April 29, 2012
April 30th, 20121. “ENHANCING RELATIONSHIPS”: Thunder Bay-North Shore Anglicans 2012 Annual Deanery Day will be held on Saturday May 5, 9:30 am – 2:30 pm at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, 808 Ridgeway Street, across from McKellar (Wheelchair Accessible). Speakers: Bishop Stephen Andrews, Bishop of Algoma, and Bishop Lydia Mamakwa, Bishop of Keewatin, on “Enhancing Relations with First nations.” $10/person: includes Coffee/Tea, Muffins, and Lasagna Lunch. Pre-Registration by April 30 appreciated. Please contact Irene @ [807] 344-8049 or yeozubsb@hotmail.com. Registration: 9:00 am Eucharist Service: 9:30 am. All welcome!
2. The annual Battle of the Atlantic service will take place 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 6 at the ANCHORAGE, Prince Arthur’s Landing Marina Park, with a reception following at HMCS GRIFFON, 125 Algoma St. N. A bus will be available to transport veterans and the general public between the ANCHORAGE and GRIFFON. This service commemorates the navy and merchant navy veterans who in World War II delivered 180 million tons of vital cargo and troops to England from North America, and battled German U-boats and raiders as well as the sea. 2024 Royal Canadian Navy and 1466 Canadian merchant navy sailors were killed. Approximately 350 Royal Canadian Air Force planes were lost and more than 900 aircrew were killed during the Battle of the Atlantic. Please come out as we honour the veterans who served our country. For more information visit www.missiontoseafarers.ca/thunderbay, and click on Lest We Forget.
3. St. Luke’s Triple ‘P’ Fish Fry (pickerel, pike, perch) takes place on Saturday, May 12 at 5:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Limited number of tickets @ $12.50 per person. Children – no charge (hot dogs available for children). Call Sally @ 344-0906 or Patricia @ 623-8594. Hope to ‘catch you’ there!
4. Women at the Well Bible Study Group presents its 3rd 100 KM Women’s Breakfast on Saturday, May 12. 8:30am Prayer Service, 9:00am Breakfast. At St. Mark’s Anglican Church in Rosslyn. Guest Speaker: Yvonne Perrier of New Life Ministries Thunder Bay. Good Will Offering but you must have a ticket due to limited seating (first 60 women). All Local Food within “100km”. We look forward to seeing you all there! Call Rev. Nancy at 939-1103, Alison at 935-2324 or Sally at 473-5335.
5. Please support the Mission to Seafarers Meat Fund-Raiser with meat supplied by European Meats. Visit www.missiontoseafarers.ca/thunderbay and click on Meat Sale for price list. Orders must be prepaid, cheques should be payable to the Mission to Seafarers. Orders must be placed by Monday, May 7 and they will be delivered on Wednesday, May 16. Each Anglican parish has a Mission to Seafarers’ representative, contact your parish rep to place your order or contact the Mission at 344-8241 or flyingangel@tbaytel.ne. Please help support our ministry to the seafarers.
6. Camp Gitchigomee is Looking for Staff. Paid Positions: Cook, Assistant Cook & Prep Person – are required for 1, 2 or 3 weeks beginning July 7 – 28th (Food Handling Course Required); Lifeguards & Waterfront Director – are required for 1, 2, or 3 week periods beginning July 9 – 27th. Also looking for Volunteers for Junior, Intermediate & Senior Camp – Cabin Leaders, Junior Cabin Leaders, Maintenance for the 3 weeks. All Volunteers & Paid Staff 16+ must have a clean Police Record Check before camp starts. Delivery people are required to help with delivery of food and Supplies during the weeks of camp. If you would like to apply, or help in any way, please call 622-0020 and leave a message on our voice mail or email gitchigomee@hotmail.com or talk to Roberta Wolfe or Jim Sutton.