Anglican Worship
If you have not been to a worship service, it will be unfamiliar. If it has been a while, parts may be unfamiliar, as some of the practises of worship have changed in the last 20 years. This article outlines what to expect during a worship service using the order for a Eucharist from the Book of Alternative Services.
Public worship is a way for people to connect with God. It is where they receive most of their Christian teaching. It is also a way to meet people who have similar beliefs and values and to make friends. Attending worship as a family strengthens family bonds. The church is one of the few institutions in our society that welcomes all, young and old, rich and poor, and all ethnic backgrounds; the only criterion is that people are open to having a faith in Jesus Christ.
The worship service is a blend of ancient and modern. The roots of Christian worship are based in the worship in the Jewish synagogue with the reading of scripture and prayers. In the last 20 years, the church’s worship has changed, attempting to become more up to date in terms of language and practise. Many of these changes have been modelled on scholarship of the practise of the early church with its focus on baptism.