January 27, 2017 – SPECIAL
January 28th, 2017This is HOT OFF THE PRESS! The Final Report of the Together in Hope Committee has been published. The report may be viewed on the Thunder Bay — North Shore Deanery website via the link the link.
Parishioners are encouraged to read the report, which is the result of the efforts, and the consensus, of members of the Committee who represent all parishes in the City of Thunder Bay and in West Thunder Bay. Further information may be obtained from members of the Committee listed in Section 7 on page 20 of the report.
Posted: January 26, 2017
We sadly announce the passing of the Rev. Canon John Jordan in Thunder Bay on January 24th. Honourary Assistant with the Parish of West Thunder Bay, Canon John has ministered in many communities during his 63 years as an Anglican priest: North Bay, Cobalt, and Thunder Bay. He was Editor of the Algoma Anglican from 1979 to 1981.
In 2008 he was awarded Honourary Life Membership of the Algoma Church Society.
Archdeacon Deborah Kraft describes this dearly loved soul in these words: “John was a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek. John loved the Lord, loved the Anglican Church, loved his dearly departed wife, Phyllis, and his family. John faithfully prayed for the Bishop, and all of us each and every day. He will be missed.”
Canon John’s obituary may be found here.
We offer our condolences to his family and ask for God’s comfort and assurance for those who mourn.
Funeral service will be held on Saturday, January 28th, 2017 at 10:00am at St. Paul’s Anglican Church with Archdeacon Deborah Kraft officiating.
Next workshop in Lay Readers’ series
Saturday 28 January 2017 –
Big Themes of the Bible. 9:30 am – noon
The workshop will be led by Linda Langdon, and held at Christ Anglican Church, 312 Greenwood Avenue, North Bay.
This workshop will also be available online via webinar.
[Please register for the webinar with Linda, langdon@ontera.net or webconferencealgoma@ontera.net.
High speed Internet is required for the webinar.]
Although given as part of the Lay Readers’ Workshops series, this workshop is of general interest–everyone is invited and welcome.
Notice of AGM for Camp Gitchigomee
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
7 p.m. Meet and Greet 7:30 p.m. Meeting Begins
Booklets will be available at the meeting
Everyone Welcome to attend
But Only Members are allowed to vote
Annual Appreciation Supper
Camp Gitchigomee
Saturday, Feb. 4th at St. John’s Anglican Church Pearl Street
5:30 p.m. Meet & Greet 6 p.m. Supper
For all staff and their families, as well as all those who have
helped in any way with work parties, deliveries, financial support
or are just interested in what or how they can help. Please just
RSVP so that we know how much food to prepare. 622-0020 or email