September 28, 2017
September 28th, 2017Saturday, September 30
10 – 12:30 pm
St. Paul’s Anglican Church
808 Ridgeway Street
Why knot try knitting? A very simple beginning for anyone with hands-on instruction, handouts and ongoing support for each individual. Join us for a bit of fun and fellowship and discover how easy knitting can be. Please bring one ball of “chunky” (heavy) yarn and a pair of 5mm needles, straight or circular
Cost: Free!
For more information or to register please contact
Laurie @ 707-3048 or
Sunday, October 1
11:30 am – 12
St. Paul’s Anglican Church
808 Ridgeway Street
Come and take a fun walk through our labyrinth. We will have music makers and bright scarves to wave and bubbles to blow and lots of laughter and conversation. Leave with a feeling of peace and love.
For more information or to register please contact
Laurie @ 707-3048 or
4 Tuesdays, starting October 3
7:15 – 8:30 pm
St. Paul’s Anglican Church
808 Ridgeway Street
The stories of the Matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, Rachael and Leah are not as familiar but are equally important. Come and learn about their lives in ancient Israel and how we can apply lessons from their stories to our 21st century experience.
For more information or to register please contact
Laurie @ 707-3048 or
298, McIntyre Street
‘Fry-Day’ Sept 29
5:30-7:00 pm
Tickets Adult $15,
Children 8 and Under $7 Call Janet 683-5245
St. Stephen’s Annual Turkey Dinner Fund-Raiser
Saturday, September 30 at the Current River Community Centre,
450 Dewe Ave.
5:30 p.m. doors open, 6:00 p.m. dinner.
Tickets: Adults $20, Children, under 5 free. Tickets must be purchased in advance no later than September 24; call Jeff Pike 621-7410 for tickets or leave a message on St. Stephen’s voice mail 683-6051.
A service for the Blessing of the Animals will be held at St. Stephen’s, 494 Leslie Avenue at the corner of Arundel Street, at 4:00 p.m. on October 1. This service is associated with St. Francis, whose feast is October 4, as he valued all of God’s creatures. An open offering will be collected and given to the Northern Lights Dog Rescue. Please bring your pet and join us for a short service of blessing for the animals that work for us and provide companionship.