October 6, 2017
October 6th, 2017St. Michael’s Chili Contest and Chili dinner
We have some people that think that their Chili is the best, we need your help in deciding who’s really does deserve the blue ribbon! You decide and then join us for some famous chili for dinner.
October 21, take out will begin at 4:30 and sit down dinner and taste off at 5pm. Chili and a bun is $7.00 per serving. If you want to taste and Judge the contest for $1.00 you can help crown the winner!
Oct 3, 10, 24 & 31
7:15 – 8:30pm
St. Paul’s Anglican Church
808 Ridgeway Street
Stories of the Matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, Rachael and Leah are not as familiar to us but are equally important. Come and learn about their lives in ancient Israel and how we can apply lessons from their stories to our 21st century experience. Much of the material will be drawn from contemporary rabbinic sources. Free workshop
For more information or to register please contact
Laurie @ 707-3048 or foodforthesoul@tbaytel.net
Saturday, October 14
9am – 12noon
St. Paul’s Anglican Church
808 Ridgeway Street
Wouldn’t it be great to be able to have a fancy tea sandwich without having to wait for a special occasion? No culinary skills required! Learn how to make traditional high tea sandwiches and take home what you make! Cost: FREE Class limit: 12 people – register early!
For more information or to register please contact
Laurie @ 707-3048 or foodforthesoul@tbaytel.net
Saturday, October 14
10 – 12:30 pm
St. Paul’s Anglican Church
808 Ridgeway Street
Why knot try knitting? A very simple beginning for anyone with hands-on instruction, handouts and ongoing support for each individual. Join us for a bit of fun and fellowship and discover how easy knitting can be. Please bring one ball of “chunky” (heavy) yarn and a pair of 5mm needles, straight or circular
Cost: Free!
For more information or to register please contact
Laurie @ 707-3048 or foodforthesoul@tbaytel.net
St John the Evangelist Anglican Church is conducting two Book of Common Prayer (BCP) services:
• Sunday, October 15th at 7:00 pm Evensong with the old settings.
• Sunday, October 29th at 9:30 am.
All are welcome!
St. John the Evangelist Church
228 Pearl Street
Thunder Bay, ON P7B 1E4
Phone: 807-345-6898