October 2, 2014

October 2nd, 2014 by mridea


The annual Blessing of the Animals Service returns on Saturday, October 4 at 7 pm at St. Paul’s Anglican Church at 808 Ridgeway St. All animals welcome!!

St. Francis considered all animals brothers and preached to them. Around the world, churches honour St. Francis with a Blessing of The Animals Service on or near his “feast day”, October 4th. ALL PETS ARE WELCOME and all pets receive a blessing, and are given a treat and a toy to take home. Pets registered by NOON Thurs Oct 2nd receive a personalized Certificate of Blessing ~ leave your pet’s name and type [dog/cat/bunny] at 622-4945 or stpaulsanglicanchurch@shaw.ca. Freewill Offering for “Northern Lights Dog Rescue.”

All welcome. Come with or without a pet! People & Pet treats will be served after the service.


All youth ages 12-19 are invited to a fun-filled weekend in Nipigon, October 3-5, 2014!

Teens will learn how to ‘encounter’ God’s amazing grace in their daily lives. Weekend activities include modern music & worship, guest speakers from ‘Teen Challenge,’ recreational games, and food!! It is our hope to cover all event costs through fundraising efforts & donations.

Registration forms will be available at most Anglican Churches or by contacting event coordinator Jayne Coy @ (807) 707-5076.

The Anglican and Evangelical Lutheran Women’s Group will be holding their Two-Bit Auction on Friday, October 17 at Hilldale Lutheran Church starting at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $5.00 and available through your ACW or at the door. Watch for a poster in your church! There will be refreshments, 50/50, raffles and door prizes. Proceeds are for the continuance of the Anglican-Evangelical Lutheran Bursary fund. If you are interested in Girl Guide cookies, the Hilldale Troop will be on hand. They are raising funds for a trip to Europe next year. Hope to see you there!

Mission to Seamen

To: Thunder Bay Churches and Friends of the Mission

After a busy summer, the port is getting ready for the fall harvest coming into the port. The Mission to Seafarers would appreciate donations of warm, small to large size men’s clothing. Many of the sailors on ocean-going vessels come from warmer countries and find our fall weather rather cold. Donations can be put in the drop off box outside the Seafarers’ Centre or given to the Mission to Seafarer Rep at each Anglican parish. If anyone is interested in volunteering, we are busy enough now to need help: people are needed to staff the Seafarers’ Centre and drive the van.

Donations for Christmas Gift Bags are needed that will be given to seafarers in December. Donations need to be at the Seafarers’ Centre by November 17. Suggested donations include mittens, gloves, writing paper, and wrapped candy.

For further information go to www.missiontoseafarers.ca/thunderbay or call (807) 344-8241.

The Mission to Seafarers is an outreach of the Anglican Church to assist seafarers, particularly foreigners, who come to the Port Of Thunder Bay. Transportation from their ship to shopping the Seafarers’ Centre is offered free of charge. The Seafarers’ Centre located at Keefer Terminal is a home away from home where seafarers telephone their families or connect with them on the Internet. Clothing, Bibles and magazines are available for them to take. The Port of Thunder Bay Mission is a registered charity and supported by the Thunder Bay Port Authority, the Anglican Diocese of Algoma, churches of various denominations, other organizations and individuals.

Thank you to everyone who has supported the Mission to Seafarers through your contributions and your prayers.

One photo a day keeps insanity at bay 8 05 10

Self-guided Walking Tour on the historic el Camino de Santiago Spain June 5 – 18, 2015
•Would you like to walk for 7 days in a row on a path travelled by Christian pilgrims for 1200 years?
•Would you like to have the satisfaction of walking 150 km?
•Would you like to enjoy the peace and quiet and/or companionship that comes from the Camino?
•Have you heard about this walk in northern Spain and have wanted to try it?
•We are organizing a 7 day walk of the Camino during the 2nd week of June 2015.
•Following a couple of free days in Madrid in order to get over jet lag, we will walk for 7 days and then enjoy 2 days in Santiago where the walk ends.
•You will not have to worry about carrying your luggage and finding a place to sleep for the night. All will be taken care of.
•This is an independent walk so you can truly experience the Camino.
•There will be no guide on the walk and we will meet every evening at our hotel. Of course, some people may choose to walk together.

The brochure for this walk, as well as the registration form, and insurance form, in case you would like to join us, is available on the Diocesan website! Archdeacon Deborah Kraft and her husband, Dr. Jouni Kraft, are organizing this incredible journey. Please email Deborah at stpauls.rector@shaw.ca or Dorothy Piccinin dpiccinin@tbaytel.net if you have any questions. 9 people have already registered for the walk.


Did you know that you can read many interesting Anglican news stories on the Anglican Journal website? Many stories are put online and not published in the monthly Anglican Journal. Check out the article about St. Thomas, Thunder Bay, and their missional focus on reaching out to many people in Westfort. The article was posted on August 19, 2014. The website address is: www.anglicanjournal.com
