November 7, 2012

November 8th, 2012 by mridea

1. St Michael and All Angels will hold a Beef on a Bun and Family Fun evening on Saturday, November 10 starting at 5:30. Beef on a bun, salad, dessert and beverage. Tickets $10 ($12 at the door); children under 12, $5. After supper enjoy card games (Euchre, Cribbage, Bid Euchre) and a variety of board games. Plus movies for the kids. Tickets available from the church office 767-4711 (mornings) or from Barb Fontaine 344-8607 (evenings).

2. Everyone is invited to come out to St. Luke’s A.C.W. Christmas Tea & Bazaar on Saturday, November 10, 2 – 4 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Bake Table, Craft Table, Nearly New Table. Tickets $5.00.

3. St. Stephen’s Famous Christmas Tea, Silent Auction, Bake Sale and Craft Table will be held at the Current River Recreation Centre, 450 Dewe Ave. November 16 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

4. St George’s Anglican Church (298 McIntyre Street) is hosting a Christmas Tea & Bazaar on Saturday November 24, , 2:00-4:00pm. Bake and Crafts Table. Admission Adults $5, Children under 8, $2

5. Thunder Bay – Northshore Deanery “Family Day” Sunday, 2-5 pm, November 25 at Gammondale Farm. Fun for all ages, bring your friends! Proceeds in support of Deanery Child & Youth Ministry through the ‘Joshua Jordan Memorial Fund.’ Only $10 per family includes Nativity Fun with Costumes & Real Animals, Corn Stalk Maze, Horse & Pony Rides, Hot Dogs, Chili, & Hot Chocolate, plus many fun games & activities for the whole family! For more Information please contact Erin Ezack, Deanery Child & Youth Ministry Facilitator at 473-7309 or

6. The Mission to Seafarers in Thunder Bay is looking for donations for Christmas Gift Bags to be given to seafarers in December. Donations need to be at the Seafarers’ Centre by November 19. Suggested donations include mittens, gloves, writing paper, and wrapped candy. For further information visit or call 344-8241.

7. St. Michael and All Angels is looking for a caretaker. Resumes may be dropped off at the church or sent to to the attention of the wardens.

8. Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams said today that his successor was going to have to map the Biblical vision of humanity and community onto the worst situations in society.
