November 14, 2013

November 20th, 2013 by mridea

Mission to Seafarers:

Response to Filipino Sailors
The Mission is preparing to offer pastoral support to Filipino sailors who are concerned about family and friends after Typhoon Haiyan. Several ships with Filipino crew are due in the Port in the next couple of weeks.
Christmas Gift Bags
Next week we are accepting donations for Gift Bags. If any come in during your watch, you can either put them in the shed or leave them in the office. If anyone would like to help, let me know and I will pass the word to those who are working on them. The Seafarers Centre will be open Nov 18 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.; Nov 20 9:30 a.m.  to 11:30 a.m. and by appointment if people wish to drop any items off. Call (807) 344-8241.
Warm Men’s Clothing
The Mission to Seafarers would appreciate donations of warm, small to large size men’s clothing. Many of the sailors on ocean-going vessels come from warmer countries and find our fall weather rather cold. Donations can be put in the drop off box outside the Seafarers’ Centre or given to the Mission to Seafarer Rep at each Anglican parish.
If anyone is interested in volunteering, we are busy enough now to need help: people are needed to staff the Seafarers’ Centre and drive the van.
For further information go to or call (807) 344-8241.

Go to the Place I Will Show You: Meaningful and Effective Change For Vitality and Renewal – A Deanery Event. Saturday, November 16 at St. Thomas 9:30 am – 3:00 pm.

Effective change is essential for the health and mission of the church. Yet, conflicting priorities, limited resources, and a host of other obstacles seem to block the path to meaningful transformation. Is there a reliable way forward?
Offered in response to Algoma’s Strategic Plan, this event will provide fresh insights and practical strategies that can help congregations and deaneries navigate the rocky terrain of change and grow into a healthier, more vibrant church.
Go to the Place I Will Show You will equip you with…

  • practical strategies for overcoming obstacles and blazing a trail toward meaningful and lasting change in your church
  • methods for nurturing a culture of imaginative innovation and faithful change in your congregation’s life
  • ways to act upon the discoveries of your congregation’s assessment process
  • familiarity with key leadership characteristics that foster transformation
  • recognition of the pattern that successful change tends to follow, a pattern you can use deliberately to foster vitality and sustainability
  • inspiration from “real life” examples that illustrate the above insights & strategies

Lunch Provided.  For more information contact: Archdeacon Deborah Kraft 622-4945 (   or Rev. Jay Koyle 1-705-256-5061 (


St. Stephen’s Famous Christmas Tea: Silent Auction, Bake Sale, Crafts, Nearly New and Book Tables tickets $5; 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Friday, November 22 at the Current River Recreation Centre, 450 Dewe Ave.

St. George’s Anglican Church will hold a Christmas Tea and Bazaar on Saturday, November 23, 2:00- 4:00 p.m. Tickets $5.

St Thomas will be holding a Roast Beef Supper on Sat. Nov 23, after the 5pm service (6:15 pm) in support of the Nursery Renovations. Adults $12.00 and children under 12 $8.00. Contact Lynda Viau 621-3380 or the church office 623-3608 for tickets.

“Little Ship of Fools: An Evening with Charles Wilkins.” Friday Nov. 29 at 7 pm at St Michael’s, 675 Red River Rd. Author Charlie Wilkins will entertain with stories of his adventure rowing across the Atlantic Ocean and show the film “The Big Blue,” a 65 minute documentary about his 53 day, 5000 km voyage across the Atlantic Ocean with 15 crewmates. Charlie will autograph copies of his new book Little Ship of Fools at a special price of $20, Advance Tickets are $10, available from Deborah de Bakker 345-0353 or from the church office 767-4711.

St. Mary’s Nipigon will hold its Christmas Tea on Saturday Nov. 30, 11:00 am – 1:00 PM.  (postponed from Nov 9)

St. Michael’s will hold its Christmas Tea on Saturday Dec. 7, 2-4 p.m.

If you are on facebook, you can keep up with Anglican events if you “Like” The Diocese of Algoma: Shaped by a Living Hope; St. Paul’s Anglican Church Thunder Bay; St. Michael  and All Angels; and The Anglican Church of Canada.

To have an announcement or brief report distributed, please send it to Deanery Net Word Photos are very welcome.

  1. Announcements are edited to fit this format.
  2. This message sent to you on behalf of your Deanery Communications Committee by Deborah de Bakker.

Thunder Bay Deanery:
Camp Gitchigomee:
Mission to Seafarers 
Bishop’s Blog
