May 5, 2016

May 5th, 2016 by mridea

TODAY! Ascension Day Service

Our Annual Lutheran-Anglican joint Holy Communion worship is being held on Thurs. May 5, 7 p.m., at Hilldale Lutheran Church, Hilldale and Wardrope Roads. All are welcome to join in this festive celebration of Full Communion between our two denominations. In 2016, we are marking the 15th anniversary of this historic agreement!

Staff and crossSt. John the Evangelist Anglican church requires a part-time Music Director/Organist. The successful applicant will lead the choir in practices and at regular 9:30 Sunday services and special services. The applicant must be proficient on pipe organ and piano, and be comfortable with Anglican liturgy.

Applicants may submit covering letter and resume to the church office or by
email by May 6th , 2016.

226 Pearl St, Thunder Bay, ON, P7B 1E4
Attn : Brenda O’Neill, Music Committee Chair


St Michael’s New to Me Treasures-Giant Yard Sale
Saturday May 7, 9:00-Noon

St Michael’s Golf and Barbecue
Saturday June 11
4:00pm Tee Off for an exciting 18 hole indoor/outdoor course through the church and church yard
Homemade Clubs Only. Lots of prizes
Price $12:50 per person or $15 at the door. Age 9 and under Free
Contact James Ferguson: 767:0206



Anglican-Lutheran Women

Peru Presentation

An invitation is extended to our Sisters to attend an evening with Rev. Fran Schmidt, former missionary to Peru, on May 16th at 7PM. at Hilldale Lutheran Church. Fran will speak about the mission in Peru and have a power point presentation with interesting pictures of her work there.

