May 27, 2015 (Updated)
May 28th, 2015
St. Stephen’s Annual Yard Sale
Saturday, May 30
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
494 Leslie Ave. at Arundel St.
Books, gently used clothing, clean household items, Bake Table, hot dogs and smokies, Hamper Raffle.
Set up and open for dropping off treasures and donations – Thursday May 28, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Friday May 29, 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Contact Arlene Halverson 683-3294 or Janet Pike 476-0044 if you have any questions.
Blessing of the New Van!
Please join us on Tuesday, June 2 at 2:00 p.m. at the Seafarers’ Centre for the Blessing of the Van as we celebrate God’s goodness in providing the van and pray for its safe use. The Right Rev’d Stephen Andrews, Anglican Bishop of Algoma, will participate in the service. This service is held in conjunction with the Diocese of Algoma Anglican Church Women Annual meeting, which is a Master Donor of the Mission to Seafarers. In May 2015, The Mission to Seafarers: Port of Thunder Bay purchased a van, a 2014 Ford Ecoline Wagon. The Seafarers’ Centre is located at Keefer Terminal, 100 Main St. Please park in the parking lot outside the gate to Keefer Terminal on the north side of Main St.
This past shipping season (2014) we transported 1,202 seafarers, 791 of which came to the Centre. Transportation is highly desired. In addition to using the facilities of the Centre to get in touch with their families, seafarers need to get to a store to purchase toiletries and other items.
St George’s Yard Sale
Saturday June 6, 9 am till 1 pm
Treasures, Bake Table and Barbecue!
Contact Arlene Halverson 683-3294 or Janet Pike 476-0044 if you have any questions.
Giant Rummage Sale
Sat. June 6
9-12:00 Noon
Hilldale Lutheran Church
321 Hilldale Road
Nearly New Sale
Sat. June 6
9-12 Noon
St. John’s Anglican
228 Pearl St.
St. James Anglican Church Murillo (John St. Rd. at Calvert)
Annual Memorial Service
Sunday, June 7th at 11 A.M.
In Memory Of Loved Ones and Friends Resting In The Church Yard.
Communion Service with The Rev. Charlene Scriver.
Music by Emmanuel Country Gospel. Light Lunch following the Service.
Come And Feel Our Country Warmth In Christ.
For Information call Rev. Charlene at 939-1103.
St. Luke’s 10th Annual Strawberry Social
(corner of Cameron & Mackenzie Streets)
Friday, June 12th, 2015 at 7 p.m.
Tickets $6 & can be purchased @ the door
Everyone welcome
St. Mikey’s Open Golf Tournament and Barbeque!
St. Michael’s Church 675 Red River Rd.
Saturday June 12, 4 p.m. to whenever
Many prizes and lots of laughs
• Create and bring along your own “wacky” Golf Club
• Hollow balls will be provided.
• Rain or shine! We will play indoors at the church.
• Barbeque supper included.
• Tickets $10. Available at the church office or from James Ferguson 767-0206.
are invited to the
For the refreshing and revitalising of the Soul
(adults are 18 yr + at the time of the retreat)
Open to previous and potential staff.
Begins with supper on Friday, June 19/15
Ends on Saturday (late afternoon) June 20/15
We provide all the meals and refreshments. Bring your own junk food.
Weather permitting, we will have a campfire Friday eve and will provide hot dogs and s’mores.
And it is FREE. FREE. FREE.
Spiritual Director: The Rev. Nancy Ringham
Or leave a message at 625-5515
10:30 Saturday June 27
Blessing of the Fleet at Pier 3 – Royal Canadian Navy Pier, Prince Arthur’s Marina Landing