June 9, 2011

June 9th, 2011 by mridea
  1. St. James’ Anglican Church in Murillo will be hosting a PLAY-A-THON FUNDRAISER featuring Karen Benson playing every song in the Anglican Common Praise Hymnal! Proceeds will go toward the purchase of a wheelchair ramp! Saturday, June 11, starting 9:00 am. All 769 hymns will be played! All donations welcome! Please join the fun by dropping by to listen & sing along! Coffee, tea & muffins served in the morning! Barbeque throughout the afternoon! For more information, please contact Rev. Nancy at 939-1103.
  2. The Deanery Communication Committee announces the launch of a new website for the Deanery of Thunder Bay on Pentecost Sunday, June 12! Come and visit, connect, discover, renew! www.thunderbay-northshoreanglicans.com “The Power to Change the World.” (Clergy are asked to include this announcement in your bulletins and recommend it to your congregations!)
  3. On Saturday June 25 please be on the water in your vessel or bring your lawn chairs, come down to at the lookout on Pier 3 at Marina Park, the north end near the band shell and take in the Blessing of the Fleet. At 10:30 a.m. the McGillivray Pipe Band will conduct a Tattoo and at 11:00 a.m. a service of Blessing is held with a parade of vessels. Boaters are invited to take part. For vessel instructions, and further information visit www.missiontoseafarers.ca/thunderbay or contact the Rev’d Ed Swayze 344-8241. Sponsored by the Mission to Seafarers.
  4. Save the Day for the Bishop! Come and spend October 22, 2011 with Bishop Steven. A day with the Bishop will take place at St. Paul’s Anglican Church from 9:30 until 2:30. The topic for the day will be revealed in September!