- St. James’ Anglican Church in Murillo will be hosting a PLAY-A-THON FUNDRAISER featuring Karen Benson playing every song in the Anglican Common Praise Hymnal! Proceeds will go toward the purchase of a wheelchair ramp! Saturday, June 11, starting 9:00 am. All 769 hymns will be played! All donations welcome! Please join the fun by dropping by to listen & sing along! Coffee, tea & muffins served in the morning! Barbeque throughout the afternoon! For more information, please contact Rev. Nancy at 939-1103.

- The Deanery Communication Committee announces the launch of a new website for the Deanery of Thunder Bay on Pentecost Sunday, June 12! Come and visit, connect, discover, renew! www.thunderbay-northshoreanglicans.com “The Power to Change the World.” (Clergy are asked to include this announcement in your bulletins and recommend it to your congregations!)

- On Saturday June 25 please be on the water in your vessel or bring your lawn chairs, come down to at the lookout on Pier 3 at Marina Park, the north end near the band shell and take in the Blessing of the Fleet. At 10:30 a.m. the McGillivray Pipe Band will conduct a Tattoo and at 11:00 a.m. a service of Blessing is held with a parade of vessels. Boaters are invited to take part. For vessel instructions, and further information visit www.missiontoseafarers.ca/thunderbay or contact the Rev’d Ed Swayze 344-8241. Sponsored by the Mission to Seafarers.
- Save the Day for the Bishop! Come and spend October 22, 2011 with Bishop Steven. A day with the Bishop will take place at St. Paul’s Anglican Church from 9:30 until 2:30. The topic for the day will be revealed in September!