June 24, 2012
June 24th, 2012
Thunder Bay Anglican and Evangelical Lutheran Women
Pictured are Helen Kyle, Bursury Committee member, Desirae Gilberds and Mary Anne Schmidt, President.
Anglican Lutheran Bursery winner
1. From Sharon Corston, Vice President, Thunder Bay Anglican and Evangelical Lutheran Women:
“The Anglican and Lutheran churches in Canada are pressing the federal government for immediate, concrete action to reduce the “unacceptably high” rates of poverty and homelessness in this country. … “Together, our churches will watch for indicators of an effective national strategy for reducing poverty and homelessness,” said Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, and National Bishop Susan Johnson of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC), in a letter. Dated Jan. 20 [2011], the letter was addressed to Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development.” These quotes from an article written by Marites M. Sison and published in the Anglican Journal March 2011.
February 2011, the ELC Lutheran Church Women invited their Anglican sisters to join them in what was to become their motto ‘Fighting poverty in Thunder Bay.’ With input from Marie Klassen, Director, Lakehead Social Planning Council and Rebecca Johnson, Councillor at Large, these women committed to supporting the cause. One of their achievements was the creation of a bursary, to be awarded to a worthy student, and thus break the cycle of poverty through education. The recipient for their first bursary was Desirae Gilberds who graduated from Superior CVI High School in January. Desirae received her bursary at the June 15th convocation.
2. Bishop Stephen Andrews is pleased to announce the appointment of The Rev. Christopher Harper as Incumbent of St Michael and All Angels, Thunder Bay, effective September 23, 2012. Chris comes to us from the Diocese of Saskatchewan where he is Rector of St Mary & St Anne’s and St Saviour’s, Birch Hills; St George’s, Kinistino; and St James’, Muskoday First Nation; in addition to the summer congregations of Church of the Epiphany, Glen Mary and Holy Trinity, Brancepeth. He has served on a number of diocesan and national committees, including the Diocesan Indigenous Council, as a Delegate to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, the Diocesan Executive Committee, and as a member of the Executive and General Synod Planning Committees of the Council of General Synod. Chris is also Warden of Lay Readers for the diocese. A former ambulance driver and emergency medical technician from Onion Lake, Saskatchewan, Chris attended the James Settee College (where he was a student of Bishop Andrews) and Wycliffe College, from which he obtained his M.Div. in 2005. He was ordained the same year. Bishop Andrews welcomes Chris and his wife, Tracy, to the Diocese of Algoma and asks that you remember them in your prayers as they prepare to undertake their new ministry. He also asks you to join him in giving thanks for the faithful interim ministry of The Rev. Lyn Fisher.
3. Mission to Seafarers: How can you help?
· Magazines and clothing may be put in the drop off box at the Seafarers’ Centre.
· Pop cans are collected at the Centre and recycled at Dutchak Recycle Inc.
· The Mission relies heavily on Volunteers for its operation. They are needed for watch keeping at the Centre or driving the van for various services offered to the Seafarers,
Fund raising projects are held such as the meat sale and the annual fund raising dinner.
There are many ways in which you can become involved as a volunteer. The work is fulfilling and the gratitude of the Seafarers is rewarding. If you would like to volunteer or find out more, contact Chaplain Rev. Ed Swayze at 626-2571.