June 11, 2012

June 11th, 2012 by mridea

1. Camp Gitchigomee Staff Training will be held on Thursday June 14, beginning at 5:30 p.m. with supper at St. Luke’s Anglican Church – Cameron & MacKenzie. This training is open to all Camp Staff, and to those who might be interested, and have not yet made a commitment, and even those returning staff. Please confirm your attendance, so that we have enough food and a training log for you and you will have a chance to win a Camp Staff T-Shirt. 622-0020 or email gitchigomee@hotmail.com.

2. St Thomas will host a Celebration of New Ministry between our Parish and our new Incumbent, the Rev. Doug McClure, on Mon., June 18th, 7:00 pm. The Ven Deborah Kraft will be the Officiant and the Rt. Rev. Fraser Lawton, Bishop of the Diocese of Athabasca will be the preacher. You are invited to come celebrate as the people of St. Thomas, along with Pastor Doug commit ourselves to a shared ministry in our Parish. Clergy and Lay Readers are invited to robe and process. The liturgical colour will be red. A reception will follow in the church hall. All are welcome.

3. St. Thomas will host a Deanery of Thunder Bay special event on Tues., June 19th, 7:00-9:00 pm. Guest presenter will be the Rt. Rev. Fraser Lawton, Bishop of Athabasca, and we will have an uplifting time of prayer and praise, followed by refreshments and fellowship. There is no cost – no registration; just come as you are and bring a friend in need of encouragement.

Fun at Camp G

4. The Ladies Auxiliary to Camp Gitchigomee will be holding the Annual Camp Clean Up on June 20. Start time is 10 a.m. Bring your lunch and help get the camp ready for the upcoming camping season. Carpool with some friends—hope to see you there. Call the camp voice mail 622-0020 and leave a message if you would like to carpool with someone. We can set you up with a ride.

5. Camp Gitchigomee will hold an Open House on Sunday, June 24. Come out and visit the Camp and see what is there. Bring your lunch & supper; go for a swim in our beautiful sandy cove; take out a canoe and paddle on the river or lake. Everyone is welcome to come out and enjoy the camp.

6. Market – Giant Yard Sale of Kids’ Stuff! St. Mary’s ACW, is hosting a Mother’s Market at St. Mark’s Anglican Church in Rosslyn Village, on Saturday, June 23rd from 10:00-1:00pm. Admission: $1/person. Table rentals: $20.00each. Refreshments available (Hotdogs, tea, coffee, pop, etc). Please use lower level entrance in St. Mary’s Fellowship Hall. Contact Person: Betty Sand at 939-2768. Tell your friends, family and neighbours

7. On Saturday June 23 please plan to participate in the Blessing of the Fleet at the lookout on the Royal Canadian Navy Pier, Pier 3 at Marina Park. Activities begin at 10:30 a.m. For vessel instructions, and further information visit www.missiontoseafarers.ca/thunderbay or contact the Rev’d Ed Swayze 344-8241. Sponsored by the Mission to Seafarers.
