July 19, 2013

July 19th, 2013 by mridea


St. Paul’s is having a Community Yard Sale/Mom’s Market! Saturday, July 20, 8am-1pm, Rain or Shine. Here’s your chance to earn some summer cash and clear out some storage space! Gather up your unused household items and children’s ware and rent a table for only $10! ($10 table rentals will go towards St. Paul’s Ministries ~ Thank you for your support). Note: If you would like to get a head start with organizing and pricing your items, the church will be open on Friday evening (19th) from 8-10pm. For more information please contact Adrienne: 472-7027, adriennecell@shaw.ca.

Lutheran Community Care Centre’s 29th Annual Strawberry Festival
Tuesday July 23/13, 3-7pm
Where: Christ Lutheran Church,47 Walkover St
Tickets: $5.00 
Call Kathleen at 683-5808 or Carol at LCCC, 345-6062 Ext 135 for tickets or pay at the door. Plenty of fun for one and all. Lots of Children’s activities, craft, bake, and white elephant tables, and of course our delicious strawberries with ice cream and cake.

St George’s Anglican Church presents The Rocky Mountain Rescue Vacation Bible School Aug 12th – 15th, 10:00-12:30. Ages: 4 to 12. Games, Snacks, Stories and More. Free of charge. Please register your child by calling Deb 344-1290.

The diocesan Lay Readers’ Conference will be held in Thunder Bay September 27-29. Topic is HOMILETICS: Don’t let them fall asleep in the pews! Keeping people awake with the good news! Opportunities for…fellowship, worship, and growth!


Friday, Sept.  27 at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, 808 Ridgeway St. E., (807) 622-4945
Registration: 4:00 – 6:00
Labyrinth Walk:  4:00 – 6:00
Archdeacon Kraft’s Welcome & Bishop Andrews’ Reception BBQ: 6:00 – 7:00
Bishop Andrews’ Talk:  7:00 – 8:30     
Evensong: 8:30 – 9:00
Saturday, Sept. 28 at St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church, 226 Pearl St., (807) 345-6898
Late Registration: 8:15 – 8:45
Eucharist: 8:45 – 9:30
Workshop: 9:30 – 12:30
Lunch: 12:30 – 1:30
Workshop: 1:30 – 4:30
Free Time & Optional Tours: 4:30 – 6:30
Polish Alliance of Canada Hall, 102 S. Court St., (807) 344-3772  Meet & Greet; Dinner: 6:30 – 9:00          
Sunday, Sept. 29 at St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church, 226 Pearl St., (807) 345-6898
Eucharist (robed): 10:30 – 12:00
Optional Open House & BBQ @Mission to Seafarers: 2:00 – 4:00

CONTACTS for further information:
Ruth Douglas – Chair, Planning Committee: (807) 475-8124; ruth-douglas@shaw.ca
Janet Baillie – Registration: (807) 935-3186; jjbaillie05@gmail.com

Lay Reader Registration Form


Lay Readers’ Conference Workshop Leader The Rev. Canon Dr. Judy Rois
Judy Rois, a native Calgarian, holds a Master of Divinity from Wycliffe College, Toronto, a Master of Theology from Trinity College, Toronto, and a Doctor of Ministry in Homiletics from Seabury Western in Chicago.  She has served many parishes in the Diocese of Toronto including being Vicar of St. James’ Cathedral and Rector of Christ Church, Deer Park. In 2011, she was appointed Executive Director of The Anglican Foundation of Canada. As Adjunct Professor of Homiletics at Trinity College in the Toronto School of Theology, her goal is enabling others “to make real the mystery of the living God in ways that are inspiring, challenging, thought-provoking, puzzling, and interesting”. Her doctoral thesis addressed ways in which today’s preacher can communicate sacred stories in an age of increasing biblical illiteracy. This workshop will explore fresh ways of communicating the faith and making something happen for people in the pews.

To have an announcement or brief report distributed, please send it to Deanery Net Word deanery_net_word@tbaytel.net. Photos are very welcome.

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Thunder Bay Deanery: thunderbay-northshoreanglicans.com
Camp Gitchigomee: www.campgitchigomee.ca
Mission to Seafarers   www.missiontoseafarers.ca/thunderbay 
Bishop’s Bloghttp://stephenalgoma.typepad.com/benedictus-benedicat/.
