January 30, 2014
January 30th, 2014*****This concert has been postponed. No further information available at this time. ORGAN CONCERT: ‘A Candlemas Meditation’ – 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 2nd at St. Andrew’s Roman Catholic Church (292 Red River Road). Please join Thunder Bay organists for an afternoon of mid-winter organ music, presented by the Thunder Bay Centre of The Royal Canadian College of Organists. Admission by donation.
Anglican and Evangelical Lutheran Women’s Announcements:
Anglican and Evangelical Lutheran Women’s meeting will be held on Saturday, February 1, 2014 at St John’s Anglican Church, 228 Pearl Street at 10:00 am. Ashley, our scholarship recipient will be attending the meeting to speak about her experiences at the College. All are welcome.
Volunteers needed for the Lakehead Social Planning Council (LSPC) CRA Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP). We are looking for volunteers who have a morning or afternoon free (or all day if you can spare it) from February 10th to May 9th to assist our clients in completing the necessary paperwork to enable our tax preparers to input income tax returns. We provide training. You need not know anything about income tax as there will be an income tax coordinator available each day to answer any questions. If you like working with people – this is the volunteer opportunity for you. Contact Sharon at 355-1549 or tax@lspc.ca for more information.
The Anglican and Evangelical Lutheran Women are looking for donations of bowls – soup and dessert – for Shelter House. They can either be dropped off at Shelter House at 420 George Street or contact Sharon at 355-1549 or sjcorston@gmail.com to arrange for pickup.
You are invited to come out to hear a riveting talk by Linda Stewardson, president of the Thunder Bay branch of the The Canadian Mental Health Association on Tuesday Feb. 4 at 2:00pm at St. Michael and All Angels Anglican Church, 675 Red River Rd. Hosted by St. Michael’s ACW. Refreshments to follow. Everyone welcome.
St. Stephen’s Annual Roast Beef Dinner Saturday, February 15 at the Current River Recreation Centre, 450 Dewe Ave. 5:30 p.m. doors open, 6:00 p.m. dinner. Tickets are Adults $20, under 5 free. This is a fund-raiser for St. Stephen’s Operating Fund. Tickets must be purchased in advance from a member of the Men’s Club. Call George Monkhouse at 683‑8506 or Jim McNeil at 683-5358 for tickets or leave a message on St. Stephen’s voice mail 683‑6051.
The Camp Gitchigomee Annual General Meeting has been postponed to: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 at 7:00 pm at St Luke’s Anglican Church, Corner of McKenzie and Cameron St, Thunder Bay. (On February 21,2014, we will have a regular meeting of the Board with General Membership at 7:00 pm at St Luke’s Anglican Church.)
Reserve the date. The Mission to Seafarers 9th Annual Fund-raising Dinner is being held Friday April 11th at the Current River Community Centre. Tickets are $30 for adults and will be available for purchase after February 1. To purchase tickets, please contact a Parish Rep or call the Seafarers’ Center 344-8241. www.missiontoseafarers.ca/thunderbay
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