February 4, 2016
February 4th, 2016
St. James Church Annual Pancake Supper
Shrove Tuesday, February 9th
at the church in Morrow Hall from 4:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M.
Free will offering.
Proceeds towards the Rural Cupboard Food Bank School Lunch Program.
Pancakes, sausage, strawberries, cookies and refreshments.
Come and Feel Our Country Warmth In Christ.
Tuesday, February 9 is Shrove Tuesday.
PANCAKE SUPPER at St. Luke’s Church on the corner of Cameron & MacKenzie Street, 5 p.m. – 6:45 p.m.
The Boys in Aprons will be mixing, flipping, serving up a mess of flapjacks that night. On the menu will be buttermilk pancakes, blueberry pancakes, ham, coffee, tea, juice, and fruit.
We are also blessed with the return of Fab Four who delighted us with musical entertainment last year – that would be Larry on mandolin, Richard and Dwight on guitar and Jim S on the drums. Other musicians are welcome to join us in the jam too!
Cost is a modest $6 for adults, $3 for children 12 and under. (Proceeds are for new shingles on our parish hall.)
Wow, that is quite the line up. You may want to book a room at the nearest inn to the Parish Hall.
The Society of Saint John the Evangelist
A Lenten study will be offered this year and it will begin on Ash Wednesday, February 10. It will be similar to previous years in that various brothers will offer short video clips daily and a meditation question will follow. The theme this year is “Growing A Rule of Life” and the Brothers are delighted to have partnered with the Virginia Theological Seminary to produce the series. You can learn more about the series and subscribe by clicking this link: ssje.org/ssje/growrule/.
St. Stephen’s Annual Roast Beef Dinner will be held on Saturday, Feb 20 at the Current River Community Centre, 450 Dewe Ave. Doors open 5:30 p.m., dinner at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are Adults $25, under 5 free. An income tax receipt for $15 will be issued for each ticket purchased. Tickets must be purchased by February 14. Call George Monkhouse 683-8506, or Karl Myrefors, 344-1740, or St. Stephen’s 683-6051. Visit www.ststephenanglican.com.