February 17, 2013
February 17th, 20131. MEETING POSTPONED The Camp Gitchigomee Annual General Meeting scheduled for Tuesday February 19 at St. Michael and All Angels church at 7 PM has been postponed one month and rescheduled for Tuesday March 19 at the same location and time. Please update your calendar.
2. The Royal College of Canadian Organists (RCCO) is presenting Windsor organist, David Palmer, in an organ recital at First-Wesley United Church (corner of Brodie and Myles Streets) on Friday, Feb. 22 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $15; Seniors/Students $10 and can be purchased from Patricia Mark @ 623-8594 or Nancy Wallace @ 623-4907. Refreshments will be served after the concert with an opportunity to meet David Palmer, one of Canada’s outstanding organ recitalists.
3. Parish of West Thunder Bay & 1st Thunder Scouts Spaghetti Supper will be held on Sunday, February 24 from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. at the Rosslyn Village Community Centre. Sit down or takeout – please bring your container for takeout. $8 for adults, children ages 6 – 12 are $3, and children 5 and under are $1. For more information, please contact: David Stephens at 475-9548 or dstephens@tbaytel.net.
4. Deanery Youth Unit (DYU) hosts the ANNUAL ‘ALL-NIGHTER’. Where: St. Thomas’ Anglican Church (corner of Edward and Amelia). When: Friday & Saturday, February 22-23. Time: 7pm Friday to 10am Saturday. Who: All youth ages 13-24 welcome! Cost: $20 (includes food and laser tag). DETAILS: Youth will meet at St. Thomas’ at 7pm and will head (via carpool) to RONS Virtual World for a game of Laser Tag! We will then head back to the church for snacks and games followed by Midnight Worship. There will also be a presentation promoting Youth Synod. Permission slip required. Contact Jen Snowden, DYU Coordinator 627-2527/ jennifer_snowden@hotmail.com
5. Flipper Flanagan will be back at St. Thomas’! Mark Thursday, March 7 on your calendars for this fun concert featuring all new music, and be sure to invite family and friends. Proceeds will go in support of St. Thomas’ “Feed the Hungry” initiatives. Tickets are $10 in advance, $12 at the door and are available through Rev. Doug McClure, Garry Barker, or the St. Thomas’ Parish Office.