February 10, 2017
February 10th, 2017Date: Friday, Feb. 17th, 2017
St. Luke’s Parish Hall, Corner of Cameron & Mackenzie
Time for pick up: 4 – 6 p.m.
$6 for 500 ml container & corn muffins
Fund-raiser for new roof for Grace Place
Call Patricia @ 623-8594 or Sally @ 344-0906 to place an order.
Dear Friends
For those of us who are unable to attend the Consecration Service for Bishop-elect Anne Germond on Saturday Feb 11th. Dr Carol Knox and I would like to live stream the service at St Paul’s. If you would like to join us, please arrive at St Paul’s at 9:15 am, ready for the service start time of 9:30 am
It will be wonderful for us to be a part of the Consecration service from Thunder Bay.
Deb Everest
St. Michael and All Angels Anglican Church 675 Red River Road will be hosting a Pancake Supper on Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2017.
Everyone is welcome from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.with a good will offering at the door. Come out and enjoy a meal, lovingly prepared for you, your friends and neighbours.
The weather may be frightful but the company is delightful!
The Final Report of the Together in Hope Committee has been published. The report may be viewed on the Thunder Bay — North Shore Deanery website via the link https://thunderbay-northshoreanglicans.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/TIH-Final-Report.pdf.
Parishioners are encouraged to read the report, which is the result of the efforts, and the consensus, of members of the Committee who represent all parishes in the City of Thunder Bay and in West Thunder Bay. Further information may be obtained from members of the Committee listed in Section 7 on page 20 of the report.
Why Knot Try Knitting?
Knitting for Beginners
Saturday, Feb. 25 10 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.
St. Paul’s Anglican Church
808 Ridgeway Street
Wheelchair Accessible
NO CHARGE. Freewill offering may be made to the Mission to Seafarers.
Please bring one ball of “chunky” (heavy_ yarn and a pair of 5 mm needles, straight or circular. Even if you are all thumbs, this is the course for you! a very simple beginning for anyone with hands-on instruction, handouts and ongoing support for each individual. Join us for a bit of fun and fellowship and discover how easy knitting can be. Tea, coffee and treats provided.
For more information or to register please contact
Laurie @ 707-3048 or email
~Woman’s ONLINE Book Study~
The Faith Dare by Debbie Alsdorf
meeting time will be determined by the group
Cost: please purchase the book ahead of time
available at Chapters online and Amazon.ca
We all lead busy lives and meeting for weekly book studies is hard to fit into our schedule. But what if you could meet for a weekly book study and not leave the house? A perfect fit for today’s busy woman!
For more information or to register please contact
Laurie @ 707-3048 or email
FUNtastic Friday
Friday, February 10th
5:30 – 7:30 pm
St. Paul’s Anglican Church
808 Ridgeway Street
Wheelchair Accessible
Take a break from the kitchen after a long week of work, school and activities.
This is a wonderful evening for families and friends to come together for fun and fellowship and enjoy a FREE MEAL!
Stories, songs, crafts, games and LOTS of fun for children of any age.
PLEASE register by calling Marty 768-9662, Laurie 707-3038
or email and inform us of any allergies.
Notice of AGM for Camp Gitchigomee
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
7 p.m. Meet and Greet 7:30 p.m. Meeting Begins
Booklets will be available at the meeting
Everyone Welcome to attend
But only Members are allowed to vote.