February 1, 2018
February 1st, 2018
Proclaiming the Scriptures in the Liturgical Assembly
Workshop for Lectors, Lay Readers and Clergy
or anyone that wants to learn to read the Word
Led by: Rev. Dr. Jay Koyle
Date: Saturday, Feb. 10, 2018
Time: 9:30 am – 3:00 pm
Cost: $15 includes lunch, snacks and beverages
Place: St. Paul’s Anglican Church
808 Ridgeway Street (across from the former McKellar Hospital)
For more information or to register, please contact Laurie Sandham
foodforthesoul@tbaytel.net 707-3048
*if you have special dietary needs, please inform us A.S.A.P.*
An effective Proclamation of the Word in Liturgy demands more than adequate reading skills on the part of Lectors, clergy, Lay Readers, and preachers if congregations are to hear the Word that is truly “alive and active,” if the promises of God voiced in worship are indeed to be “fulfilled in our hearing.”
This workshop will move beyond basic communication techniques to highlight and engage various qualities and skills for the effective public proclamation of scripture.
We will also consider the implications for Lectors and others when we understand the Liturgy of the Word as memory, narrative, promise, and event.
In our few hours together, participants will find themselves inspired and better equipped to serve in this crucial ministry, and to assist others who may be called to do so.
This day is ideal for… those who read the lessons in worship or are interested in doing so; individuals involved in Bible study, especially when focusing on the lectionary readings; people committed to fostering discipleship formation through worship and catechesis; anyone interested in deepening their appreciation of the Bible and Liturgy.
Jay will begin with his presentation in the morning followed by workshop and group activities in the afternoon for Lenten and Easter readings.
Bring your Bible . . .
Paint Night in Support of CLAY
Bring out your inner artist!
For full details and to register, go to
About the cause
CLAY Gathering 2018 – Please help us send as many youth to this gathering as we can, at no charge to them.
For more information on CLAY, please follow this link http://claygathering.ca/
About This Event
VENUE: St. Paul’s Anglican Church
808 Ridgeway Street, Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5H5
TIME: 4:30pm – 6:00pm artist set up
6:00pm – 8:00pm Paint Nite
8:00pm – 9:00pm artist clean up
St. Paul’s offers a wide variety of programming that is open to everyone. Here is the Winter/Spring edition of the Food for the Soul booklet! Click the link below for full details. For more information, contact Laurie at foodforthesoul@tbaytel.net or text 707-3048.
St. Stephen’s Annual Roast Beef Dinner
Saturday, February 24 at the Current River Community Centre, 450 Dewe Ave. 5:30 p.m. doors open, 6:00 p.m. dinner. Tickets are Adults $25, under 5 free. This is a fund-raiser for St. Stephen’s Operating Fund; if you fill out the back of your ticket, a $15.00 income tax receipt will be issued. Tickets must be purchased in advance from a member of the Men’s Club. Call Jeff Pike 621-7410 for tickets or leave a message on St. Stephen’s voice mail 683-6051.