August 30, 2011
August 31st, 20111. St. James Church Murillo presents A Country Music Concert featuring Spencer Hari “BACK TO THE COUNTRY” Patsy, Johnny, Conway and others on Saturday, September 17th, 7:30 P.M. at the Murillo Town Hall. Advance Tickets only. $10.00 each. For tickets call Pat Hari 473-9487 or Rolly Martyn 935-2648.
2. Save the Day for the Bishop! Come and spend October 22, 2011 with Bishop Steven. A day with the Bishop will take place at St. Paul’s Anglican Church from 9:30 until 2:30. The topic for the day will be revealed in September!
3. Are You a Christian looking For a PART-TIME JOB? A growing and dynamic Anglican Church in downtown Thunder Bay is looking for an energetic and enthusiastic person to lead our Youth Group. We will pay you $15/hr up to 10 hours per week. Check us out at Please email your resume or questions to Amy at