April 7, 2015
April 9th, 2015
Log Painting for Camp Gitchigomee – Apr. 10 at 7 p.m. Come to St. Luke’s Parish Hall at Cameron & Mackenzie and join in the fun. Bring a snack to share.
Everyone welcome to attend, even if you just want to see what we do, or to find out about camp.
A Lunch, Bridge, Whist and Card Party will be held on Tuesday, April 14 starting at 12:30 pm in Langworthy Hall, St John’s Anglican Church, 228 Pearl Street. Tickets are $15.00 per person and available from Al and Marilyn Chisholm at 345-9261. Tables are still available!
The Mission to Seafarers 10th Annual Fund-raising Dinner is on Friday April 17th at the Current River Community Centre – 450 Dewe Ave. Our guest speaker will be Mr. Tim Heney, CEO – Thunder Bay Port Authority. This is one of the main fund-raisers for the Mission, so please come out and support this worthy cause. For tickets please see your Parish Representative. Tickets must be purchased by Friday April 10th. Please help support our ministry to the seafarers. www.missiontoseafarers.ca/thunderbay.
St. Luke’s Anglican Church
A.C.W. Spring Tea
Celebrating 125 years of faithful service 1890 – 2105
Saturday, April 25th, 2015
2 – 4 p.m.
White Elephant Table & Bake Table
Tickets $5.00 / under 10 Free
205 Cameron Street
Rev. George Porter of St. Luke’s is helping to plan an interdenominational conference for Thunder Bay and area focused on reconciliation and learning to walk together as Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal peoples in our churches. More information at www.walkingtogethertbay.com