April 5, 2014
April 5th, 2014We are sorry to announce that the Easter Bunny is unable to provide his world famous Easter Eggs at St. John’s this year. He hopes to be back next year.
St. Michael’s Lenten Film Festival continues every Wednesday at 7 p.m. until Easter!
See the amazing variety of ways that filmmakers have told the story of the Passion.
Popcorn and treats! No charge. 675 Red River Rd.
Please join us for the Mission to Seafarers 9th Annual Fund-raising Dinner on Friday, April 11, 2014. 5:30 p.m. Symposium ; 6:15 p.m. Dinner. At the Current River Recreation Centre – 450 Dewe Ave.
Speakers: Bill Skrepichuk – Sligo: working history of a three masted schooner on the Great Lakes; Canon Ed Swayze – Year in Review. Adults – $30; Children 12 and under – $12. $10 income tax receipt is available. See your Parish Rep. or call 344-8241 for tickets. www.missiontoseafarers.ca/thunderbay
On Tuesday April 15th, a Joint Anglican-Lutheran Service will be held at 7 PM at Immanuel Lutheran 362 Pearl St. (Pearl at Banning St.) All are welcome to attend!
Please join us for the annual Current River Churches’ Good Friday procession on April 18. Meet at 1:00 p.m. at Elim Community Christian Centre, 360 Black Bay Road, and walk to St. Stephen Anglican’s Church, Current River Recreation Centre, Our Lady of Loretto Church, Claude Garton School, and Current River United Church. The procession is based on the way of the cross, and a portion of scripture and a prayer is read at each place. The community is invited to St. Stephen Anglican’s Church for a Good Friday service at 2:30 p.m.
St. Luke’s Spring Tea – “It’s A Small World” will be held Saturday, April 26, 2 – 4 p.m. Bake Table & White Elephant Table. Tickets $5.00. St. Luke’s Parish Hall corner of Cameron & McKenzie Streets.
Everyone Welcome.
On May 23-25, 2014 Hilldale Lutheran Church is hosting the Suomi Conference, a Finnish special interest conference in the ELCIC, that is open to non-Finnish, and non-Lutherans as well. The theme is: “I guide them, as they walk praying.”
It will include 2 showings of Pastor Matthew Anderson’s documentary about pilgrimage called, “Something Grand” and a discussion with Matthew. Showings will be at Hilldale Lutheran Church, 321 Hilldale Rd., 807-768-9890, on Friday, May 23, 2014 at 3:30-5:00pm and Saturday , May 24, 2014 at 12:30-2:00pm. RSVP by e-mail at hilldale@tbaytel.net.
Matthew is a part-time professor in theological studies at Concordia University, as well as at Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability. In the spring of 2012, he climbed over the Pyrenees with groups of pilgrims on the 800-km walk to Santiago and asked them ‘why are you doing this?’ The result is called “Something Grand.”
Here is the 90 second trailer for the documentary:
somethinggrand.wordpress.com/trailer-something-grand/, a newspaper article somethinggrand.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/pilgrimage-gazette-montreal-march13-1.pdf , and an interview about the film on CBC radio, Montreal:
Registration for the weekend May 23-25, include Friday dinner to Sunday lunch is $60 and everyone is welcome. If you want to attend “Something Grand” there is no fee. Coffee and meals can be purchased. Donations are always welcome. 807-768-9890, or hilldale@tbaytel.net.