April 5, 2011
April 6th, 2011
1. Please join us for the annual Current River Churches Good Friday procession, April 22. Meet at 1:15 p.m. at Elim Community Christian Centre, 360 Black Bay Road, and walk to St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, Current River Recreation Centre, Our Lady of Loretto Church, Claude Garton School, and Current River United Church. The procession is based on the way of the cross, and a portion of scripture and a prayer is read at each place. The community is invited to St. Stephen Anglican's Church for a Good Friday service at 2:30 p.m.
2. A Holy Spirit Retreat will be held Friday/Saturday April 15/16th at St. Thomas’. Learn Who the Holy Spirit is, and What the Holy Spirit does, and How to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Everyone is welcome to join us for all or part of the Retreat. No cost. To register contact Carolyn at 345-9223 or cbnapier@shaw.ca. Retreat includes: Friday 6 PM – Dinner, DVD talk, worship and Prayer ministry ending at 9 PM. Saturday 1:00 pm – Refreshments, Opening Praise, DVD talk, exercise-”Finding Your Spiritual Gifts”, DVD talk, 5:00 pm Closing worship with Communion. Come to renew,refresh,enjoy!
3. Reverend Canon Henry Morrow celebrates his 95th birthday, Saturday, April 16, 2011. Ordained in 1954, he served in churches throughout the Diocese of Algoma and has been active in the work of the Primate's World Relief and Development Fund for many years. Canon Morrow was the rector of St. John the Evangelist in Thunder Bay from 1973 to 1981 when he retired to Sault Ste. Marie. Nicknamed “the good Canon”, he and his wife, Edith, were heavily involved in the life and work of the Cathedral, parlaying their many skills into new and novel activities. In addition to serving as an honorary assistant at the Cathedral, Canon Morrow was also responsible for carving a beautiful wooden Canterbury Cross which hangs in the Cathedral Chapel and was dedicated to Archbishop Wright and Bishop Nock. He continues to be active in the Kiwanis Club of Sault Ste. Marie and the Cathedral. A come and go will be held on Saturday, April 16th in St. Matthew's Church hall in Sault Ste. Marie. All are invited to join family and friends between 2 and 4 pm. to celebrate his life and work. Best wishes only. |