April 25, 2018

April 25th, 2018 by mridea

YA+ (Young Adult plus) Worship and Potluck Service

Join us as we worship with contemporary music, uplifting messages and a potluck afterwards.
Theme – Affirmation “Who does God say you are in Him?”

Everyone is welcome!
Please bring a dish if you are able – but even if you can’t please come anyway! There is always plenty.

St. Paul’s Anglican Church
808 Ridgeway Street
(across from the former McKellar Hospital)
6:00 pm

St George’s Day
Beef on A Bun Supper

Friday April 27, 5:30 pm
At Harbourview Reception Hall
499 Cumberland St N.

Tickets Adults $15 Under 8 $8
call Janet 683-5245


Food for the Soul

St. Paul’s offers a wide variety of programming that is open to everyone. Here is the Winter/Spring edition of the Food for the Soul booklet! Click the link below for full details. For more information, contact Laurie at foodforthesoul@tbaytel.net or text 707-3048.


The Book of Revelation

New Testament Bootcamp
Led by Rev. Dr. Reverend Dr. Robert Derrenbacker
St. Paul’s Anglican Church
808 Ridgeway Street

*This class has been POSTPONED until September 15th*
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Please contact Laurie @ 707-3048 for more information.

CLAY Fundraising Event

A wonderful Mother’s Day fundraising event is happening right now hosted by Emilie Jewelry.
Help St. Paul’s Anglican Church Youth Group reach their fundraising goals for 2018 by donating 20% of all sales when using the checkout code of “mothersday”.
All items will be distributed before Mother’s Day.
Click on this link to apply 20% of your Mother’s Day purchase towards CLAY
Shipping to anywhere in Canada and USA.

Our Bee Population

Come to St. Michael & All Angels with the MFRC and the PWRDF for this session.

Discover how bees work, why bees are disappearing from our environment,
things we can do to help “Save the Bees” and learn important facts on how
bees are important to our environment.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018, Held in the Parish Hall, Free of Charge. Open to everyone.

6:30 to 8:00

Held at the Parish of St. Michael & All Angels Parish,

675 Red River Road.
