April 11, 2018
April 12th, 2018
Join us For Some Fun & FellowshipJoin us For Some Fun & Fellowship
Friday, April 13th, 2018 at 7 p.m.
At St. Luke’s Parish Hall
To Paint Logs for Camp Gitchigomee
– no experience required, and no one is too young or too old to help paint
Bring your favourite Snack to Share and Join Us
St. Paul’s offers a wide variety of programming that is open to everyone. Here is the Winter/Spring edition of the Food for the Soul booklet! Click the link below for full details. For more information, contact Laurie at foodforthesoul@tbaytel.net or text 707-3048.
for Near-Death Experience
~A Food for the Soul Workshop~
St. Paul’s Anglican Church
808 Ridgeway St
2 Day Workshop
April 7 & April 14
In Revealing Heaven, Reverend John W. Price makes the case for how near-death experiences can be gifts from God and are fully compatible with Christian spirituality and the Bible. As a pastor open to near-death experiences, he has heard more than 200 personal accounts of this phenomena.
Please purchase “Revealing Heaven by John W. Price” in advance from Amazon or Indigo and read in advance if you are able.
Format: 20-minute introductory remarks, followed by open discussion framed by questions provided by the facilitator.
Led by: Dr. David Nock ~ David Nock is a Professor Emeritus of Sociology who also taught Religious Studies at Lakehead University. He received a PHD degree from the University of Alberta.
PLEASE REGISTER (minimum registration of 15 people)
by email
phone or text 707-3048
Come to St. Michael & All Angels with the MFRC and the PWRDF for this session.
Discover how bees work, why bees are disappearing from our environment,
things we can do to help “Save the Bees” and learn important facts on how
bees are important to our environment.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018, Held in the Parish Hall, Free of Charge. Open to everyone.
6:30 to 8:00
Held at the Parish of St. Michael & All Angels Parish,
675 Red River Road.