The Celebration of the Eucharist

The Celebration of the Eucharist begins with the singing of the Offertory hymn, the bread and wine are brought up and an offering plate for people’s donations is passed. If people have already made their offering or if they are not able to make one, just pass the plate. In the early church the bread and wine used in the Eucharist, was provided by the people.

The Eucharistic Prayer is based on Jewish prayers of blessing where God is blessed for the salvation that God brings and it includes words Jesus used during the Last Supper with his disciples.

People will move up to the sanctuary rail at the front of the church to receive communion. The sidespeople will control the flow of people. If you are baptized you may receive communion. If you are not baptized you may receive a blessing. If you do not wish to go up, remain seated in your pew.